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Germ-free entry: Sole cleaning machines

Sole cleaning machines belong in every food business. This is because shoe soles are one of the main causes of contamination. The deeper the shoe profile, the greater the contamination. Not only dirt and grime are carried into production, but also dangerous germs such as animal intestinal and faecal bacteria. Ergo: Sole cleaning machines are a must.

Three sole cleaning systems

As a leading company in the field of personnel hygiene, the PHT Group offers three different sole cleaning systems to integrate efficient and hygienic sole cleaning into your operational processes.

1. space-saving sole cleaning machine

The sole cleaning machine with brushes and dry cleaning effectively removes dirt and soiling from shoe soles by brushing and rinsing with water and detergent. This allows you to maintain a high standard of hygiene in sensitive areas. Even in the tightest of spaces.

Platzsparende Sohlenreinigungsmaschine
Kombinierte Sohlen- und Handreinigung

2. combined sole and hand cleaning

In addition to dirty shoe soles, dirty hands are the main source of bacterial contamination. Combined cleaning solutions are particularly suitable for confined spaces such as passageways and niches. They guarantee comprehensive hygiene protection with one machine.

3. combined sole and wheel cleaning

The system consists of a floor tray with semi-active brushes. The trays are placed at the entrances or between different hygiene areas. When entering, the soles and wheels of the transport vehicles are cleaned simultaneously and without wasting time.

Kombinierte Sohlen- und Räderreinigung

The 5 most important reasons for sole cleaning machines

1.     Improved personnel hygiene
2.    Automated cleaning processes
3.    Strong cleaning performance
4.    Robust and space-saving design
5.    Simple integration into operation and operating processes

The PHT Group’s sole cleaning machines offer an efficient solution for improving personnel hygiene and complying with strict hygiene standards. With their automated cleaning processes, high cost-effectiveness and robust, space-saving design, they are a valuable investment for companies that attach great importance to product safety and hygiene. Thanks to their simple integration and flexible application options, they can be optimally adapted to the needs of a wide range of industries.

Professionelle Hygieneschleuse von PHT sichert die Personalhygiene

The PHT Group specialises in personnel hygiene. We will be happy to advise you on the right sole cleaning machine for your company.