
What’s new on the subject of food hygiene?
Here you will find our PHT News as well as interesting information about food hygiene.

Hygiene management in the food industry

Hygiene management in the food industry: five aspects that everyone should know

Hygiene must be structured. Anyone who does not have a plan and does not apply a system will one day ...

PHT at Gulfood 2024

Gulfood is one of the biggest fairs in food industry worldwide in Dubai on 5. - 7. November 2024. Visit ...
Personnel hygiene in pet food

Personnel hygiene in pet food production

High hygiene standards apply to food in order to protect consumers. Buyers of pet food usually have a strong emotional ...
Hygiene systems Pet food

Produce pet food hygienically

The production of pet food is subject to the same legal and health conditions as the production of food. Maximum ...
Farbcodierung Reinigung Betriebshygiene

Colour-coded cleaning sets in facility hygiene

Facility hygiene is a top priority in food production. Despite all the advances in automated cleaning, food manufacturers cannot do ...
Hand washing troughs

Hand washing troughs for optimum hygiene standards

Hand hygiene is the most important measure for preventing infection in the food industry. Our modern stainless steel hand washing ...

5 essential tips for hygienic change room equipment in food production

A well-designed change room is essential for food producers. Internal personnel hygiene begins in the change room. This is because ...
Manuelle Reinigung Lebensmittelindustrie

Pure manual labour: Manual cleaning in the food industry

The WHO estimates that more than 23 million people in Europe fall ill every year from contaminated food. Contaminated equipment ...

Centralised chemical supply: Efficiency meets safety

They are precise, flexible and efficient: pre-diluted cleaning chemicals that are distributed centrally via a satellite system. This avoids highly ...
Sohlenreinigungsmaschinen – platzsparend und hygienisch

Germ-free entry: Sole cleaning machines

Sole cleaning machines belong in every food business. This is because shoe soles are one of the main causes of ...